Amisha and Keval's Indian wedding may have been steeped in tradition, but that didn't stop the duo from opting for a modern aesthetic complete with crystal details. With a strong emphasis on design, Amisha and Keval transformed the Radisson Plaza Mississauga -- where they hosted their modern wedding -- utilizing lavish crystal detailing and decor. From the ceremony space adorned with spherical glass globes to the reception tables illuminated by floating candles in stemmed square glasses with mounds of glass crystals at the bottom. Crystals were even incorporated into the glass cake table at this modern wedding celebration. Amisha and Keval, however, made sure to incorporate their cultural heritage in the celebration, with both opting for attire made in India. After dazzling guests at their modern wedding filled with crystal details, Amisha and Keval jetted to Belize for their honeymoon.
Amisha and Keval Patel, November 19, 2011, Mississauga, Ontario.
Photography courtesy of Pear Studios (
Ceremony and reception location: Radisson Plaza Mississauga Toronto Airport
Dress: Purchased in India
Groom's tux: Custom tailored in India
Bridal party attire: Purchased in India
Hair: Amanda Reid
Makeup: Amanda Reid
Music: DJ Kareem at Empire Entertainment
Cake: Cake Expectations
Caterer: Gujarati Foods and the Radisson Plaza Mississauga Toronto Airport
Favours: Donation to local charity
Flowers: The Perfect Setting
Stationery: Indian Wedding Card
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