Found your honeymoon hot spot yet? Here are five of my favourites!
One of the best things about my job is the travel opportunities I’ve been afforded. In my time at Weddingbells, I’ve done my fair share of jet setting, all in the name of honeymoon research (rough job, but somebody’s got to do it!). We like to spread the love around our editorial department, with different editors visiting different destinations to bring you the scoop on romantic hot spots. Sara is just back from Paris; Jenn is currently exploring the Cook Islands; Jami is heading to St. Lucia next month; and I will be visiting the Bahamas in June.
At Weddingbells, our philosophy about honeymoons is that it should be your ultimate dream vacation! It only happens once, so why not splash out and plan the trip of a lifetime! I realize this is all budget permitting, but if you can, try to put as much in your honeymoon budget as possible to make your dream vacation a reality. Here are my top five recommendations:
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