So far in our wedding plans, David and I haven’t really encountered too many challenges. Well, other than losing half the wedding party and my dress disappearing along with the retailer – but that’s all part of the fun, right? Though we’ve become hooked on Say Yes to the Dress as well as Rich Bride, Poor Bride (don’t tell, but I may have received a text message now and then making sure I set the PVR!), the thing that’s surprised me the most is the lack of drama that seems to go along with wedding planning on these shows. But that’s not to say there isn’t one teensy issue proving a little difficult: the whole ‘winter’ thing.
At the beginning of my blogging journey here, one of the big issues was finding outerwear for the wedding party, which proved quite the challenge. You were all rock stars in helping me out – and a HUGE thank you must be said for all the comments (and e-mails, with more online shopping options than I could shake a credit card at)! Outerwear for us has since been located – we found perfect coats (at Superstore of all places!), but that’s not where the challenge ended. We have guests to keep warm! One of the biggest things we want to ensure in this winter wedding is everyone’s comfort.
Wind chills in December, as you can see above, can be absolutely bitter. And this expat’s still undergoing acclimatization (terrifyingly, a process that I’m told could very well take a lifetime!). Traditionally, the bride and groom exit the church post-ceremony to some sort of confetti, or bubbles – but since our wedding is days before the winter equinox, daylight is going to be scarce. We thought sparklers would be a lovely way to exit festively – but not at the expense of sensation in our guests’ extremities, so we’re going to place Little Hotties hand warmers at every seat. (See! Isn’t the Internet wonderful?)
The reception is where we’re really going to try and keep things cozy, and have hot chocolate, eggnog and perhaps some warm apple cider ready for guests upon their arrival. Candlelight is going to be a big part of our centrepieces, and we’ll try and add things like pumpkin or butternut squash soup to the menu, too.
But aside from avoiding frostbite, one of the biggest challenges accompanying the winter season for me is an issue I’ve been dealing with for the last 10 or so years: chronic back pain. I’ve seen countless specialists in an ongoing endeavour to get a solid diagnosis, but nobody seems able to agree. I use electric heat pads and tennis balls (seriously!) regularly to get through the day. Unfortunately, the pain is exacerbated by the cold – and it’s the last thing I want to be worrying about on my wedding day. I’ve tried therapeutic massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy, and even one rather traumatic incident involving going for cortisone injections all the way down my back and promptly going into shock. Fun times! Though this did numb the pain for a full 24 hours, uncontrollable convulsions isn’t going to make for the most attractive of brides, so I’m seeking out other options. Heat helps – and I’ve found in a few pharmacies here they sell some sort of adhesive heat pack that you can place on the inside of your clothes, which radiate heat for a few hours. Which sounds a heck of a lot better than strapping on my electric one and moving the ceremony to the nearest plug socket.
The other problem we’re facing is the fact that at the end of our ceremony, it’s going to be dark outside. David, sweetheart that he is, really wants the first time we see each other that day to be at the altar – so taking pictures beforehand is out of the question. We’ve phoned around various places in the city – hotels, heritage sites, the Conservatory, and the Legislative building, all of which would have been wonderful options… and all of which have functions already booked for December 4th! This is where I ask for your help – can you think of another option we may be able to use for indoor pictures? For keeping everyone warm… how are we doing? And does anyone else have experience with chronic pain? If so, how did/will you deal with it on your wedding day? Suggestions would be hugely appreciated, but please, no pity party – if I have to say my vows lying down on tennis balls, it will be done!
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