The bouquet and garter toss have been a longstanding wedding custom. However, if you're not exactly a huge fan of the tradition, then there's definitely plenty of options to consider. For one, you could use your bouquet to honour a guest (perhaps your mother) or hand it over to the couple that has been married the longest or perhaps to the couple that was most recently engaged. Another fun twist to the bouquet toss would be to invest in, what some florists call, a "breakaway bouquet". Simply have your floral designer loosely wrap a bunch of posies together with some ribbon, then when the time comes to toss your bouquet, untie the flowers, toss it in the air and watch the petals fly–this way more than one lady will get a flower of their own. Do you have any other bouquet toss alternatives? Please share! We'd love to hear them.
{Photo courtesy Rose's, Flowers & Gifts}
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