One of my ultimate wedding design idols is none other than Preston Bailey (whom I had the lucky chance to interview awhile back!). Anywho, if you aren’t familiar with his designs–they’re just crazy cool.
Seriously, I don’t know how he draws up his concepts. And, yes, they may be a little bit too extravagant for your taste, but I’m sure you can find inspiration from a few of his designs and tailor it to your own celebration. I’ve been following his blog and I’ve been in such of awe of his table designs that I just had to share two of my faves. In this one, Preston prepares a summer table setting. I love the hanging florals and the lace-like chairs–very mid-summer’s night dream. The second was a very cool blue evening reception. I love how Preston made dark look so romantic and not at all goth-like!
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