For those of you with family and friends coming from afar, or for those of you planning a destination wedding, listen up! The best way to really thank your guests for traveling (aside from literally thanking them) is to have a custom tote bag waiting for them in their hotel room. Last year, I went to Minnesota for a wedding, and after a long trip, it was nice to see a little prezzie waiting for us in our suite. What did it include? The works! Everything from chocolate bars to bottled war to chips, and even a little handwritten thank-you note from the couple themselves. Now, if you want to go the extra mile, giving a personalized bag with your initials and/or monograms would complement your theme and celebration. Right now, I'm in love with these custom bags from Becollective. They're chic, simple and sturdy–the perfect storage for all your guests' souvenirs.
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