Check out what these two photographers did for their wedding invites. Moved by their passion for photography, Larissa and Trevor of Ambient Studios transformed their obsession into a wedding theme. Here's what they had to say in regards to the creation of this unique invite:
As two passionate photographers we decided to try to turn our mutual obsession with photography into a theme. Since both Trevor & I enjoy shooting film on the side for personal projects it seemed only natural that we integrate this somehow into our day. (a part from actually supplying our photographers with film for their cameras!)
The result is a collaboration between Trevor & I and an invitation that took an assembly line of five to create. We had to make about 40 after all was said and done with the help of my ladies! (thanks girls!) It was tons of fun and completely worth it...
Guests received their invite in the mail, wrapped in brown paper & ribbon:
This is such a great example on how you can take anything you love and transform it into something completely bridal-worthy. Thank you to Larisa and Trevor for letting us share their awesome DIY wedding project–we can't wait to see how the rest of your camera-themed celebration unfolds.
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