If ever there was a beauty trend tailor-made for brides-to-be it's the accent nail. This is the the uber hot nail polish trend that, at first glance, may appear to be a manicure mistake. It's actually the chicest new way to play up your ring finger. And, of course, what better time to draw attention to your most important digit than when it's been recently adorned with a new piece of jewellery from your mister?
We've seen a huge range of different ways to interpret the accent nail trend, from coating just the ring finger with a fine layer of glitter to painting it a completely different colour and covering it with nail art. When it comes to doing this sort of manicure yourself there are no rules. You can go bold by choosing to play up your accent nail with a complementary colour from the opposite end of the colour spectrum to the rest of your mani, or you can go for a subtle look by accenting your ring finger with a slightly different shade in the same colour family. Either way, the accent nail trend is sure to showcase your new engagement ring in the most stylish way possible.
Here we'll show you three different ways Hollywood celebrities have been wearing the accent nail.
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