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Fashion & Beauty

Day 50: Kate's Perfect Pair?

  |  By Nicole Keen
Day 50: Kate's Perfect Pair?

Photo courtesy Aruna Seth.

First of all, can you believe we're already halfway through our 100 day countdown to the Royal Wedding? Time flies when you're having fun, and we've been having a blast bringing you Royal Wedding news and inspiring ways to plan your very own regal celebration. Stick with us for the next 50 days---and beyond---as we continue to be your Royal Wedding authority. Speaking of which, let's get down to the subject of today's post. As Alison reported in a blog post earlier this week, Kate Middleton is allegedly planning on wearing ballet flats on her wedding day. In fact, rumour has it that Kate may wear as many as four or five different pairs of shoes throughout the celebration---that certainly puts Cinderella's one and only pair of glass slippers to shame, no?


Day 50: Kate's Perfect Pair?

As with all other aspects of Kate's ensemble, we probably won't know many details until April 29th, but I have it on good authority that London designer Aruna Seth is being considered for the job. According to my source, Aruna Seth received an official letter from Buckingham Palace informing her that she is one of the contenders. Her shoes are simply stunning, and I think any bride---princess or not---would be overjoyed to walk down the aisle in these bejewelled nude patent leather flats. Powder, a bridal boutique in Woodbridge, Ontario, is the exclusive Canadian retailer for Aruna Seth shoes.

This article was originally published on Mar 10, 2011

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