Image courtesy Alfred Angelo.
Here's another bit of interesting historical wedding trivia for you: Queen Victoria's bridesmaids all wore white to her wedding! At first I wasn't so sure about this idea—would the bride stand out enough? It is her moment to shine after all. However, after finding numerous examples of totally stylish all-white wedding parties on the web, I think I might be coming around to the concept.
The key to success? Make sure the bridesmaids' white dresses are distinctly different from your own gown. For instance, if you're wearing a full-length dress, put them in shorties, or vice versa. Another option? Accent their dresses with a splash of colour such as a satin ribbon tied at the waist, or choose dresses that are simple and less embellished than your own. Lastly, fabric is a great way to create distinction. If you're wearing lace, choose laid-back cotton or lustrous satin for your girls. I've rounded up a few fashionable white bridesmaids' dresses for you to peruse. So, what do you think of putting your bridesmaids in white? Is it a definite do or a disastrous no-no?
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